Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bandung - Day 2

Let's continue with Day 2 at Bandung... We start off with breakfast in the hotel... The food? Tasteless I can say. Tak berapa sedap lah. Seriously.. Mr Husband siap sakit perut the next day. Think because of the food. Bila dia sakit perut tu baru teringat I have read somewhere from the forum to be careful with foods at Grand Serela. The hotel is nice tapi the food was...... Ermm, dunno how true it is lah tapi Mr Husband sakit perut. Me? Takde pon.. Haha... Perut I bleh tahan kot as compared to him... The food looks tasty tapi bila rasa biasa aje lah..

Hah, after the breakfast, kitorang terus mulakan the second day dengan penuh semangat!! Haha.. Since Day 1 tak berapa beria kan, so day 2 dah dapat enough sleep, boleh lah jalan2 sekitar Jalan Riau FO tuh... We start off with STAMP... Haha... The lorry... Cantik kan? "Sumpah, aku pernah kurus" Wakakaka... Memang ditujukan untuk kami berdua yang dah semakin berisi nowadays... Hehe...

Keadaan dalam STAMP... Kat sini je we spent like 2 hours... Lama tak? To us, barang2 kat sini best2...
Some of the FO nearby jalan Riau:-
- Formen
- The secret
- The Oasis
- The Summit
- Heritage
- Calamus

Seriously it depends on you.. What type of attire you are looking for.. To us, kalau satu kedai tu tak best, masuk 5 minit aje then kuwa, tapi kalau best, sampai 2 jam like STAMP tu..
Dah penat shopping, we went for lunch at Dapurku, Jalan Lembong... This was our most favourite makan place kat Bandung nih.. Know why? Because of the speciality in ayam buluh and kangkung belacan.. The kangkung wa cakap lu... Perghh... Demm sedap!! Banyak pulak tu! At first, we thot it was like for 4 people.. Haha... Macam tau2 aje we all makan banyak!!.. Ayam buluh pulak, taktau nak explain macam mana rasa dia... You really have to go there and taste it!  Besides, we also had otak2, sup bontot (again) and tempe goreng... The blackcurrent juice pulak sangat2 lah juicy... Terasa pulak kat tekak ni... Hehehe... Tempat ni memang recomended untuk sesiapa nak pergi makan!

Then, we continue our journey to Pasar Baru... Hari ni barulah Mr Husband ada mood nak buat his suit.. Baru ada mood nak pilih the suit... Seronok dia memilih... Of course by taking my opinion... And to confirm that there's no rejection from me on his opinion... Haha... Dia buat seluar jugak 2 helai... Will take them 2 days to get it done...
Malam pulak, we continue jalan2 again at Jalan Riau FO... Seriously, kalau nak jalan the whole day FO tu, memang penat... Sebab banyak sangat... Thats why bila balik bilik malam tu memang penat yang amat lah... 

Macam nak bernasyid pulak.. Hehe.. Dinner pulak, makan kat Dailycious, nearby the summit FO kat Jalan Riau tu... Ok jugak, not bad.. We ordered pisang keju.. First time rasa lah ni since orang cakap kalau pergi Bandung, memang kena try their pisang keju.. Sedap jugak, not bad... Hehe.. Tapi Mr Husband cakap biasa jer.. Ye lah, dia kan memang dr kecik sampai besar duduk kat kampung, so segala macam jenis pisang dia dah rasa... So bila pisang ni di masak pelik2 nih, for sure lah he will not love it...

Ok, penat sudah seharian berjalan.. Look at what we bought on the 2nd day... His burberry jacket tu sangat cantik to me! And also my crochet jacket! Hehe...

Our total expenses for Day 2... Suit tu a bit pricey if nak compare ngan harga kat HoChiMinh haritu.. Tapi still cheap kalau nak compare ngan KL.. KL was like thousand plus.. Bandung we can get RM400... Boleh lah kan..

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bandung - Day 1

Helllooooo!! Assalamualaikum... :))

How do I start with Day 1 in Bandung... There is not much story to tell about... Huhuuu.... Sebabnya its a tiring and sleepy day for both of us... Since well...the night before Mr Husband tak tido, whole night at office to clear his job before going on leave, came back at 4am, took his bath, and straightaway gi umah my parents coz my bro yang hantar gi airport.. The flight was at 6.30am! Huhu... I pon the whole night lah tak tido because tak boleh nak tido, too excited maybe! And busy packing the luggage yang nak dibawa...

The journey basically took about 2 hours and 15 minutes... Tapi sebab ada timing difference kan, so we arrived at Husein Sastranegara Airport Bandung at 8.00am... Dah blurr masa tu taktau nak buat apa dengan 2-2 mengantuk nya.. Haha.. Thot of taking Blue Bird punye taxi since they said its using meter so the price will never goes wrong. Tapi tak jumpa plak yang berlegar2 kat situ.. So, ambik aje lah yang kat kaunter.. Not so bad, 43k.. Around RM15.. Bolehlah kan.. The taxi go straight to Grand Serela Hotel.. Terus buat luggage check in.. Since masa tu baru around 10am, takleh lah nak masuk bilik lagi.. We can check in only at 2pm.. Kalau bolah check in awal, sure 2-2 dah membuta.. Huhu.. So we were just waiting for motorcycle rental people to come at the lobby... Oh lupa nak cakap, memang plan nak naik motor je pusing2 Bandung! Hehe... Since takde anak lagi kan, so we were thinking buat apa nak bazirkan duit for supir.. Baik rent a motor jer senang nak gerak... Nak jalan to FO pun tak payah, naik motor aje.. Hehe.. The idea I got from forum cari... Ada orang yang suggest if pergi berdua better rent a motor aje... And the fact is so true.. We save a lot there.. Baik buat shopping the cost for supir tu! The cost of renting the motorcycle for 4 days is 300k... 65k per day, 20k for extra helmet and 20k for cost dia nak hantar and ambil the motor.. Tapi the last day tu kena bayar extra 40k pulak sebab terlebih hour.. We supposed to return at 12pm, tapi since flight kol 7 malam kan, better sewa until 5pm.. Not that expensive pon.. So why not kan? BTW, this is the website to anyone yang nak rent the motor :))

Ok... Sementara nak tunggu check in time at 2pm, we went to jalan2 at FO kat Jalan Riau tu aje... FO yang sempat masuk cuma Calamus and Heritage.. Calamus tu tak best... Heritage ok laa... Just do a quick survey aje... Tak beli apa pun since 2-2 tak berapa ada mood kan... Then we head to Pasar Baru Bandung.. Tanya direction from brother yang ktrg sewa motor tu.. Almaklumlah takde GPS... Walaupun dah download the map and siap printed out lagi, and beli map lagi, but let me tell you, the map memang tak tunjuk the jalan sebenar... Dengan takde sign boardnye di setiap junction, we have really had to stop by to ask people how to go to each places.. Huhu.. Sempat lah bergaduh2 ngan Mr Husband.. Kadang2 dia tanak ikut cakap I, end up dia salah, kene marah lah kan, kadang2 I pulak tanak ikut cakap dia, I pulak yg dimarah haha.. But after 3 days, we managed to master the road! :) Ye lah kan stop around 20 times kot just to tanya orang.. But to me it was a valuable experience! Naik motor kat negara orang, bukan semua orang bleh buat kan? Banyak lah jugak words yang dipelajari ahaks... For eg, "pertigaan = simpang tiga", "perempatan = simpang empat", "titip helm = simpan helmet" hahaha... mau dititip helm nya? hahaha... mula2 pandang orang tu and reply, nggak fahammmm... kakakaka....lama2 kita plak cakap kat dia, bisa dititip nggak helm nya?? hahaha...pastu bila tanya, jauh nggak jalan nya? dia jawab, "jauh..lumayan.." haha...maknanya, agak jauh ler tuh...lumayan lahh sangattt...kalau cakap English, memang tak paham langsung diorang nih, reply in Endon jugak...

BTW, pasar baru tu memang bahaya pergi! Haha... Mmg rambang mata!! Bertingkat2... Theres' 10 level if I am not mistaken... Tapi tempat beli barang2 around 5 level jer.. The rest is tempat makan and barang2 basah... Its a pasar afterall...Mr Husband mmg takde mood that day untuk beli barang... Dia pening sebab ngantuk.. Pity him... I felt sleepy too tapi sebab dah nampak banyak benda to shop kan, lupa lah ngantuk! Haha... We survey2 the price dulu... Survey harga suit for Mr Husband... Tapi dia takde mood nak buat pilihan pun.. Kapla fenin... But for me, I sempat grab 6 helai telekung! Huhu... Then we look for kedai curtain.. Since jahitan dia akan ambil masa, maybe 2-3 days, so kitorang pun gagahkan diri jugak untuk pilih kain.. Huhu... To us the price dah really2 murah dah compared to KL price.. Kalau the same material in KL was like thousand plus, close to 2k masa buat curtain dulu.. But here with day curtain and blackout curtaion, we can get like RM680. Its considered cheap to us kalau nak compare ngan first time buat curtain tu.. Tapi tak buat curtain for our room sebab tak jumpa yang berkenan di hati.. Huhu...

We had lunch kat level atas the pasar... Theres so many kedai, and bila sampai je to that level, orang2 dia sibuk lahh datang nak suruh makan kat kedai diorang... We have to tolak nicely lah.. Huhu... Then Mr Husband nampak ada this one gerai named Cibiuk.. Sundanese food... Dia pernah makan at the same kedai at Puncak, Bogor when he went to his client the other day.. So dia suggest makan there... Sedap jugak not bad.. But the nasi merah, I cannot take it.. Rasa macam hampas... Haha.... I think it was from beras perang actually.. We use to eat beras perang jugak tapi I always mix it with beras biasa... So the taste was not so hampas laa... Tapi ni mmg beras perang semata... Urghhh... Really cannot take it... The rest of the menu was ok.. We really loved sup ekor, so sup bontot was not a problem to us! Coz its just the same :))

After lunch yang dalam kol 3 jugak, we went back to hotel, check in and zasssssssss... Tido dengan nyenyaknye!! Woke up and siap2 nak pergi dinner pulak! Haha.. Makan tido ajer! Its a holiday afterall :p Elok aje nak keluar, tayar motor pancit!! Huarghhh... Gile ape baru sehari dah pancit... Rupa2nya bunga tayar tu dah takde...Nasib baik lah pak guard tu baik hati, pinjamkan his motor.. Tanya dia nak byr berapa, dia kata bagi je berapa nak bagi.. Baik kan? So we gave him 20k... Mencari lah pulak jalan nak ke Jalan Cipaganti.. Sebab nak pergi Kedai Dahapati... Ni dapat kat forum cari jugak... They said the speciality is sup bontot... But it was not so tasty lah actually... Maybe jugak dah sampai lambat, so tinggal yang bawah2, tu yang a bit salty... I ordered soto ayam... Too oily... Huhuhu...

Balik bilik, terus 2-2 zasssssssssss again after solat... We hope tomorrow will be better for us to shop and do everything that has been planned! Sebab dah segar kan esok hari nya :)) Esok pagi jugak orang motor tu akan datang to replace with a new one.. :))

My first day grab - 6 telekung.. I love white telekung... In fact, I don't trust other than white telekung.. No creme, no off white.. Only white.. Huhu...

This is our first day expenses... Rasanya macam tak banyak jalan tapi dah incurred so much?? Kalau tengok betul2 its because of the curtain...  :)) Till then... Day 2 akan menyusul....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eagerly waiting...

We are now eagerly waiting... 2 more days...
 To see the city....

 To see the "macet ness"...

To see the attraction...

 To shop till drop!! :D :D :D

Most important, by riding this!! :) This is how it looks in the website lah kan. Reality, taktau lagi. Hehehe. Whatever it is, seriously we are so eager now!! Hahaha over!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Nasi goreng daging

Nasi goreng daging dengan telur mata for breakfast in Sunday! :) Kalau perasan, in most of my cooking, I will use carrot. Hehe. Sebab sangat suka carrot.. Ratah macam tu aje pon best! Daging tu dah direbus malam tadi. So lembut lah the daging bila di goreng this morning..

Yang ni pulak Mr Husband's dinner last night. Since I eat other than nasi for dinner, sebab makan nasi sekali sehari aje, either for breakfast or lunch, on diet lah kata nya, hehe, so I just cook a simple one for him. Paru masak kicap dengan pucuk + suhun sup. Dia memang sangat suka pucuk + suhun sup ni. I just ratah the paru and sup. Mr Husband memang entah bila lah nak diet nye. Kalau disekat makan tu, mula lah cakap lapa la.. I will end up pity him and cook him something. Haishhhh..

This weekend datang office lagi, so takdelah nak masak2 beria pun. In fact dah lama tak beria masak. Semua pun simple2 aje since our weekend at office.. Sebab? Nak cuti lagi this Thursday! :)) Tapi teringin jugak nak buat nasi ayam ke, nasi tomato ke, nasi beriyani ke, laksa penang ke, laksa johor ke, laksa sarawak ke, mee rebus ke, western food ke.. I wish I could have more time... Huhuhu...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Chinese fried rice & ayamas

Last night we had Ayamas for dinner. Since, Ayamas tengah promotion sekarang ni, whole bird for RM23.90 and if you add in RM3, you will get another half bird, kitorang pun apa lagi, rugi lah kan if tak ambik the promotion. Just add another RM3 to get extra half bird. So memang berlebih lah ayam for dinner last night. So I decided to do chinese fried rice for breakfast this morning. Ala2 makan kat kedai gitu.. Nasi goreng cina and ayam. Hehe. Mr Husband was the happpiest man sebab dapat breakfast nasi pagi2.. Haha.. Dia yang tanak nasi tu semalam tapi a bit lembik sebab terlebih air. So even nasi dah sejuk pon, agak lembik jugak, dan bila digoreng, melekat sikit lah. But he said, "kalau dapat makan nasi pagi2 for breakfast macam ni, I tak kisah masak nasi selalu, I akan improvise my skill masak nasi so that tak lembik." Hahaha, tu diaaa.... Punyalah nak makan nasi!! Memang rice eater sungguh!! Kenyang makan nasi banyak ni... So lunch makan buah je laaa..... :p

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bawal masak merah

Last night, me terlebih rajin. I prepared a simple spagethi for dinner, but forgot to snap picture. Hehe. On top of that, masak bawal masak merah for lunch esok. Maybe its a practice since tak lama lagi Mr Husband akan tukar kerja tempat lain and he requested for a lunch box. Huhu. Tak tau lah serajin mana I can do that kan because that requires me to cook every night since I am not a morning person. I won't bangun pagi untuk masak. Huhu. Even masa puasa pun, food for sahur I cook at night. Pagi panaskan aje. So today we tapau food for lunch. Nasi putih and bawal masak merah cook with potato and cauliflower :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Kari ikan merah and lobak putih

Last Saturday masak yang simple aje since nak pergi office. Kari ikan merah dengan lobak putih goreng dengan udang. Malam pulak we just bought ayamas. Sunday langsung tak masak, hehe.. Makan kat kedai aje since datang office both days last weekend.. :(( Nak kena siapkan kerja sebab nak gi holiday lagi. Huhu. So have to finish off all outstanding work la.. Yang outstanding banyak, yang newly in pun banyak. Haiiyohh bertabahlahhhh.....

Sambal belacan wajib ada.. Even yang blend.. Hehe..

Ayamas.. Wish I could do this myself.. Tapi now takde masa..