Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bandung - Day 2

Let's continue with Day 2 at Bandung... We start off with breakfast in the hotel... The food? Tasteless I can say. Tak berapa sedap lah. Seriously.. Mr Husband siap sakit perut the next day. Think because of the food. Bila dia sakit perut tu baru teringat I have read somewhere from the forum to be careful with foods at Grand Serela. The hotel is nice tapi the food was...... Ermm, dunno how true it is lah tapi Mr Husband sakit perut. Me? Takde pon.. Haha... Perut I bleh tahan kot as compared to him... The food looks tasty tapi bila rasa biasa aje lah..

Hah, after the breakfast, kitorang terus mulakan the second day dengan penuh semangat!! Haha.. Since Day 1 tak berapa beria kan, so day 2 dah dapat enough sleep, boleh lah jalan2 sekitar Jalan Riau FO tuh... We start off with STAMP... Haha... The lorry... Cantik kan? "Sumpah, aku pernah kurus" Wakakaka... Memang ditujukan untuk kami berdua yang dah semakin berisi nowadays... Hehe...

Keadaan dalam STAMP... Kat sini je we spent like 2 hours... Lama tak? To us, barang2 kat sini best2...
Some of the FO nearby jalan Riau:-
- Formen
- The secret
- The Oasis
- The Summit
- Heritage
- Calamus

Seriously it depends on you.. What type of attire you are looking for.. To us, kalau satu kedai tu tak best, masuk 5 minit aje then kuwa, tapi kalau best, sampai 2 jam like STAMP tu..
Dah penat shopping, we went for lunch at Dapurku, Jalan Lembong... This was our most favourite makan place kat Bandung nih.. Know why? Because of the speciality in ayam buluh and kangkung belacan.. The kangkung wa cakap lu... Perghh... Demm sedap!! Banyak pulak tu! At first, we thot it was like for 4 people.. Haha... Macam tau2 aje we all makan banyak!!.. Ayam buluh pulak, taktau nak explain macam mana rasa dia... You really have to go there and taste it!  Besides, we also had otak2, sup bontot (again) and tempe goreng... The blackcurrent juice pulak sangat2 lah juicy... Terasa pulak kat tekak ni... Hehehe... Tempat ni memang recomended untuk sesiapa nak pergi makan!

Then, we continue our journey to Pasar Baru... Hari ni barulah Mr Husband ada mood nak buat his suit.. Baru ada mood nak pilih the suit... Seronok dia memilih... Of course by taking my opinion... And to confirm that there's no rejection from me on his opinion... Haha... Dia buat seluar jugak 2 helai... Will take them 2 days to get it done...
Malam pulak, we continue jalan2 again at Jalan Riau FO... Seriously, kalau nak jalan the whole day FO tu, memang penat... Sebab banyak sangat... Thats why bila balik bilik malam tu memang penat yang amat lah... 

Macam nak bernasyid pulak.. Hehe.. Dinner pulak, makan kat Dailycious, nearby the summit FO kat Jalan Riau tu... Ok jugak, not bad.. We ordered pisang keju.. First time rasa lah ni since orang cakap kalau pergi Bandung, memang kena try their pisang keju.. Sedap jugak, not bad... Hehe.. Tapi Mr Husband cakap biasa jer.. Ye lah, dia kan memang dr kecik sampai besar duduk kat kampung, so segala macam jenis pisang dia dah rasa... So bila pisang ni di masak pelik2 nih, for sure lah he will not love it...

Ok, penat sudah seharian berjalan.. Look at what we bought on the 2nd day... His burberry jacket tu sangat cantik to me! And also my crochet jacket! Hehe...

Our total expenses for Day 2... Suit tu a bit pricey if nak compare ngan harga kat HoChiMinh haritu.. Tapi still cheap kalau nak compare ngan KL.. KL was like thousand plus.. Bandung we can get RM400... Boleh lah kan..


just.HY said...

tgk gmbr abg shahrul teus gelak yg pakai kopiah tu. hahahaha lawakkk!

sesofian said...

Kureng asam nya samdol...