Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ho Chi Minh City - Day 1

Salam all..
Ohh excited nye nak menulis entry pasal Ho Chi Minh! Haha..Overst! Bak kata Helmi.. Haha.. Memang overst pun!! :p After doing some study and research pasal HCM nih, rasanya boleh dah kot nak tour sendiri tempat orang nih.. We decided not to take travel agent sebab confident that we can travel on our own.. Besides, I have mr husband next to me, so I am so very confident we will not get lost. Other than that, bergaduh, bertekak tu biasalah. Haha.

Our flight from LCCT was at 2.55pm. The journey to HCM took about 2 hours. As the timing difference is 1 hour between Malaysia and Vietnam, so we reach there around 3.45pm. From Tan Son Nhat International Airport, we took a taxi to Huang Phuong Hotel. From the tips I get from, dah memang cakap to ONLY take vinasun taxi. Tapi dah sampai sana, lupa pulak. Haha. Rupa vinasun taxi tu macam mana pun we were not sure. So we just took taxi yang nampak aje. And the charge was 260,000 VND (RM41.60) when it should only be 150,000 (RM24). Erkkk. Takpe, lesson learnt. Lepas2 tu, we only take vinasun taxi. Sebab this taxi use meter.

We bring canned foods from KL! Haha.. Takut kelaparan babe. Look at the kepadatan penduduk Ho Chi Minh. Huhu. So kesian man.
Tu ha rupe Vinasun Taxi.

Sampai hotel, rehat kejap aje, then we head straight to Ben Thant Market which locates 2 minutes from our hotel. Memang best! The Huang Phuong Hotel is a 3 star hotel with cost only 35 usd per night. Though the room is small, but it was comfortable. Service also good I can say.

We quickly make a move to Ben Thant Market since the market close at 7pm. First day sampai dah rambang mata. So many nice kain pasang to buy. So many colours. So many design. So many material. Ahhhh.. Tawar punye tawar punya tawar, we bought quite a lot on that day. Yang paling best, you can make suit in this market. Siap dalam 1 hari sahaja! Murah pulak tu. Tapi since market tu dah nak tutup, we plan to pegi esok nya. Ye lah kan, nak rushing2 karang ukuran tak betol pulak, tak sedap pakai pulak. Tak ke menyesal?

Keluar je the market, dah gelap, tapi ternampak pulak ada pasar malam!! And geram betul when the price here was much more cheaper than in the market. Especially the polo tshirt. We thought the price in the market dah murah dah sebab dah slash the price sampai 1/3, but tak sangka pulak kat night market lagi murah! But the kain not so much choice lah in the pasar malam ni, only the polo tshirt lah. Kesian mr husband.. He was quite frustrated that night.. But its ok.. Experience kan.. :) We bought 5 bottles of mineral water and fruits at the pasar malam. Beli air banyak sebab dalam bilik hotel tu takde kettle nak masak air cuma boleh ambik air kat the pantry aje. So at least we can topup the water ourself in that bottle. Memang kena minum air banyak kat HCM ni, kalau tak dehidrated.

Malam tu we just had maggi mee and roti with chicken curry for our dinner yang dibawak dari KL. Hehe. Sedap jugak makan roti malam2 cicah chicken curry dalam tin nih.. :))

Look what we bought on the first day! Huhu.. The total expenses will be disclosed in my last entry for Ho Chi Minh. Not so much story in the first day.. Till then.. The 2nd day is to be continued!! :)


f i d a j a c o b said...

Perghh kerlas sgt, 1st day dah shopping gile2.. hehehehehe... kalau kite, jenis yang shopping later gituh. takot duit habis...

BTW, brp rega shot glass HRC ek kat sana? And kak syai, flat shoes tu cam cantik.. tp kulit cik bab tak? hehehehe

Anddd i lovee fresh flowerss... i want more, please update ASAP...

ekeke demand

syezy said...

Short glass after convert, RM35. Shoes tak sentuh pun tak berani. Hehe. Apetah lagi beli kan. Snap pix je lahh.. Haha ok ok nanti kannn...

f i d a j a c o b said...

Eh baru pasan shoes tu adalah heels.. OMG i loikeee! nak beliiii! hehehehehehe ;p

syezy said...

a`aahhh heels...hahaha...awak sure suka...kak syai tak pakai and tak brani nak pegang beb tapi awak bleh tny dia dulu laa...hehehe...