Friday, March 9, 2012

Ho Chi Minh City - Day 2

Ok.. Let's continue with day 2..

We woke up as early as 8 a.m. Nak turun tengok what do they serve for breakfast. Takde apa yang meyakinkan. Huhu. Nasi goreng, mee goreng, telur goreng and all the gorengs. Bubur pun ada tapi got shredded chicken pulak inside. Not sure minyak apa yang di pakai, so we decided to get back to our room and makan roti again for breakfast. Since today we plan to go to Chu Chi Tunnel and Cao Dao Temple which will take the whole day, and tak tau whether dorang akan stop at kedai makan halal ke tak, so we tapau some roti for lunch. Dah siap sapu tuna dalam roti. Tinggal nak makan je. Hehe. Kalau tak bawak ni, sure kebuluran tengah jalan. Me takpe lagi, tapi mr husband? I don't think so. So better bawak bekalan makanan.

We bought ticket to Chu Chi Tunnel and Cao Dao Temple for usd 13 per person joining the group trip. Ticket ni beli kat bawah hotel tu je. Ada agent. Sementara nak tunggu bas datang, singgah kejap Ben Thant Market since mr husband nak tempah suit. Price ranges from usd80 - 100. So we took that usd 80. The cheapest lah kan. And he make another 3 pants. Dah dia buat tu, I pun teringin lah nak buat jugak. Haha. Buat lah satu. Punya syok dok tawar menawar and berborak ngan orang kedai tu, sampai terlepas bas! Haha. The tourist guide kata dia dah round 2 kali tapi kitorang takde. Nasib baik dia tak tinggal kitorang. Haha. Tengok kitorang termengah2 kepenatan sebab lari, dia siap bagi air. So nice of him! When we were inside the bus, our tourist guide "Hung" gave a brief explanation about the trip. We were confuse sebab dia asyik cite pasal Chu Chi Tunnel aje. Theres nothing mentioned about Cao Dao Temple langsung!! When we asked Hung, he said memang tak pergi. Aihhh sakit hati sekejap. We should have paid usd 10 aje instead of 13 for Chu Chi Tunnel. Tambah extra usd 3 tu actually for Cao Dao Temple. Bengang betul. Masa tu dah fikir, since its not a full day trip, and we'll get back to the town by 3pm, we shall go back to the agent and ask for refund. Takpun, since esok nak pergi Mekong River tour, maybe bleh set off against that cost. Dok buat tax dok set off, yang ni pon nak set off kan. Haha. On the way to the tunnel, we stop by at handicapped handmade craft. Kagum tengok diorang buat the craft. They are so determine although they are not perfect. Bersyukur kita ada anggota badan yang sempurna. Ada craft yang made from egg shells.

Overall, we really enjoy the day at Chu Chi Tunnel. Memang nasib baik lah we all bawak roti masuk the tunnel tu, kalau tak, mau kebuluran kelaparan. Hehe.

When we get back to the town, around 3pm, we asked the bus to stop us at Saigon Central Post Office. Since Mr Husband nak pergi Hard Rock Cafe. The cafe is situated just behind the post office. Next to the post office is Notre Dame Cathedral Saigon. Sempatlah jalan2 and bergambar kat the post office. Memang besar dalam dia. Biasanya orang datang sini utk post the postcard. But we are not interested, so we just walk around and took pictures. Then we went to Hard Rock Cafe. Mr Husband buy one tshirt for himself and one for me. Hehe. Dia memang kumpul HR tshirt. Kalau ada kawan pergi mana2 HR, mesti dia pesan. As for me, this is the first time I had HR tshirt. Hehe.  

From HR, we walk to Dong Du Street. Masa tu dah around 4pm, 2-2 kelaparan tahap gaban since we only had roti with tuna for our lunch kat chu chi tunnel tu. Banyak jugak Halal Restaurant kat situ. Halal @ Saigon, Pasha, D'Nyonya, Bombay, Ali Baba Indian. Mr Husband pilih to eat at Halal @ Saigon since kedai dia nampak mcm best. Hehe. Masuk je, terus order! Haha. We were starving the whole day! We ordered crab soup, steam rice, vege + beef, ginger chicken, shrimp soup, ice coffee and ice lemon tea. And we also tapau fried rice with chicken and fried meehoon for dinner sebab malas nak keluar dah malam. Actually the price here quite expensive la. Fried rice with chicken is 135,000 VND, lebih kurang RM21.60. Kire mahal lah kan. Fried meehoon pun RM13.60. So kira expensive lah kan. Sebab tu lah total semua including take away food was 750,750 VND. Sama dengan RM120. But the taste was marvellous! Semua nya marvellous2 belaka. Takde satu pun yang tak sedap. Mr Husband suka sangat their fried rice and crab soup! Crab dia boleh rasa seketul2. Nyummyyyy!! One more thing, kena try kopi o ais kat vietnam nih.. For those coffee addicted, mmg akan suka lah coffee kat sana sebab mmg sedap.. Me not a coffee drinker sangat tapi suka jugak lah cofee.. Tapi Mr Husband mmg everywhere he looks for coffee. Hehe.. Dia mmg coffeeholics!!

After makan, we went for prayer. Ada mosque just in front of the restaurant. Just cross the road. Kat sini berlaku satu kejadian yang menyentuh perasaan. Masa nak solat, ada 3 orang wanita tengah duduk2. The one with jubah hitam asked me dari mana and datang for vacation ke and with who. Dia cakap melayu tapi pelat. After perform my solat, dia datang near to me and berborak. She is imam masjid tu punye wife. She asked me whether I have a child and how long I have been married. When I said "takde anak lagi kak and dah kahwin 2 tahun", suddenly dia angkat tangan dia and berdoa. Dia kata, kak ramlah nak berdoa supaya adik dapat anak. Ya Allah, masa tu taktau nak cakap rasa macam mana. A stranger prayed for me. Terus mengalir air mata. Panjang doa dia. But I couldn't understand coz its all in Arabic. After dia berdoa, dia cakap, ada orang datang sini dah kahwin 6 tahun, 9 tahun tapi takde anak. Dia tolong doakan, balik je pregnant. Dia kata "nanti kalau adik pregnant, call kak ramlah. Kakak bagi kad kakak." Terus dia gi ambik kad dia. What a teriffic moment. After keluar, Mr Husband tanya why I look sad. Tak semena terus menangis kat dia. Huhu. Tengah2 jalan menangis, mesti orang ingat apa laa husband dia buat kat dia. Hehe. Tapi its an experience yang takkan boleh dilupakan.

After that we took a cab back to Ben Thant market. Penat lah nak jalan kaki balik around 1km. Naik cab murah je dalam 15,000 VND (RM2.40). Hehe.. Sambung shopping balik kat market. Huhu. Then gi pasar malam beli buah again. Mangga dia mmg the best! Sangat crunchy!! We also bought murtabak from muslim seller. Dia kata murtabak sebab dalam dia inti telur, ayam and sayur. Tapi does not taste like murtabak kita. Hehe. Tapi sedap. 20,000 VND satu. Around RM3.20. We bought 5. Hehe. That one for breakfast pagi esok nya since dia kata baru je buat and memang tahan sampai esok. Balik bilik, we had the food that we tapau at Halal @ Saigon for dinner. Another tired day but great experience! Tapi lupa nak gi mintak refund for Cao Dao Temple! Huhh. Ingat esok boleh lah gi set off for Mekong river tour, tapi.....tunggu lah Day 3 punya cerita... Hehe... 

End of Day 2 :)


f i d a j a c o b said...

Hehehe touching! kak syai sexplain sikit pasal tunnel tu... ape sejarah dia.. huhuhu...

Mangga dia mmg nampak crunchy sbb mak kite ckp yes boleh beli buah mangga and bawak pisau muahahaha...

syioknya! cant wait to go!

just.HY said...

PANJANGNYAAA TYPE! dah banyak separuh. sambung nnt malam. stress!!!

syezy said...

nampak sgt stress tu helmi...type pon "dah byk separuh" when it should be "dah baca separuh" hahaha...

sejarah tunnel? ontahhh hahaha...that one masa zaman dulu perang...org2 dulu buat tunnel ni sembunyi dalam tu...thats why bawah tanah semuanyaaa...