Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ho Chi Minh City - Day 3

Okayy.. Day 3.. :)

We woke up as early as 6am! Subuh sana awal from 5-6.10am. So memang subuh gajah dah laa tu. Hehe. The Mekong river tour pukul 7.30am. So memang bersiap awal la.. We did not take the hotel's breakfast, just like yesterday. I tapau some roti and yesterday's murtabak for our breakfast. We check out early as we'll be going to another hotel on the 3rd day. Nak experience a 4 star hotel pulak. So we leave our luggage at the lobby. They are willing to look after the luggage. Tapi bila pergi the same agent yang pergi Chu Chi Tunnel semalam tu, dia kata takde tour to Mekong river on Saturday and Sunday!! Huwarghhh.. Hangin betol time tuh! Its our fault also coz we did not asked for confirmation or anything. At least we should have book the tour yesterday. Masa tu taktau nak buat apa dah. Mati kutu. Dah la dah check out pagi2 buta. Huhu. Then we went back to the hotel which are just few steps from the agent place. Mr Husband ask the hotel where can we find agent for Mekong tour. Suddenly orang hotel tu cakap they can arrange! Huhuhu. Ms tu rasa lega yang teramat sangat!! Alhamdulillah.. The one with USD12 dah full. The only left is agent with USD 17 per pax. Takpelah, janji dapat pergi kan :) Tapi rupa2nya USD 17 tu dah termasuk lunch. But still we dunno whether the lunch is halal or not.  Our tourist guide is "Nyan", pronounce as "Yan".. He was much more better then Hung yesterday. Kelakar pun kelakar. Siap bagi quiz in the bus, and siapa salah kena nyanyi. Haha. Ada satu soalan tu this German guy, "Ralph" and kitorang betol, so dapat hadiah mineral water haha. Tapi another question, the whole bus salah so semua kena nyanyi. Haha. Me and Mr Husband nyanyi lagu Rasa Sayang. Hehe. Tak segan sangat sebab takde orang Melayu. If ada melayu sure dah segan! Haha.. Orang2 yang travel with us ada dari Indonesia, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam and German. Best sebab semua from different country. On the way, we stop by at Mekong Rest Stop. Its a nice place. They call the place Coconut Bridge. Sebab ada bridge bawah pokok kelapa. Hehe. Dalam bus jugak, we had our breakfast. Sedap rupanya murtabak semalam tu. The taste is still there walaupon sejuk and semalam punya makanan.

The journey from HCM city to the jetty took about 2 hours. After we reach the jetty, we took a boat to Dragon Island. Kat Dragon Island ni, dia bagi minum honey lemon tea. Sedap sangat air ni. We had some local food too and enjoy singing from local people. Lagu2 orang asli Vietnam kot. Then ambik gambar with bee yg produce the honey and phyton. Huhu geli......

After that naik sampan menyusuri Mekong river. Best masa ni. Tenang je rasa walaupun takut gak kot ada anything yang timbul from the river. Huhu. Baca doa banyak2 je dalam hati masa ni..

Thats Ralph. A very nice guy. All the picture me with Mr Husband, dia lah yang ambikkan. He is an exchange medic student from German. Dah 3 weeks kat Vietnam and every weekend dia gi jalan.

Then naik sekali lagi boat menuju ke Coconut Island. We were shown how coconut candy is made. And sesiapa nak minum coconut wine boleh lah minum. Rasanya its actually air nira. Tapi dah nama pun wine kan, kitorang takde la gi minum. Hehe.

Lepas tu, naik kereta kuda pulak! Haha. Semua naik okeh. From bas, ke boat, ke sampan, ke kereta kuda! Hehe. Naik kereta kuda menuju ke our lunch place. The road is really macam jalan kat kampung2. Sampai je situ, we straight away tell Yan that we are Muslim and we can't eat the lunch serve. Tapi ternampak ada tanda halal kat situ. And bila tanya owner kedai, dia kata is halal and they cook using coconut oil. Masa tu dah quite confident. So we just ordered fish and rice for our lunch. The rice dia bagi together with vege. Sedap jugak vege dia. Kat situ ada something yang special about the fish. Cara makan dia. Dia macam kena balut the fish with suhuun and daun pudina and daun ape lagi entah, gulung dengan paper rice then cicah dengan air asam. The taste? Marvellous! Sedap.. Tapi kitorang cuma balut 2 ketul sorg je. The rest of the ikan, makan ngan nasi. Hehe.

After that ada aktiviti berbasikal, but we did not went to. Penat masa tu so we just rest at the restaurant. From the restaurant, we took a boat back to the jetty. Before balik shopping sekejap kat the jetty. Kat sini sakit hati lagi! Murah sangat the vietnam tshirt! 150,000 for 3!! Kalau kat city tu, 150,000 bleh dapat satu tshirt je kot. Geram sangat, tapi maybe sebab dia out of town, tu yang murah. So sesiapa nak beli tshirt for souvenir, better beli kat sini. But they only have Vietnam tshirt la. Like HardRock Vietnam, tshirt dengan tulisan Saigon on top of it. Since murah, I buy 3 for my brothers walaupun dah beli polo tshirt. So each of them dapat lah 2 helai tshirt. One polo tshirt, another one Saigon tshirt.

Lepas tu naik bas pulang. Penat masa tu tak terkata. Almost all the people in the bus tido sepanjang 2 jam perjalanan balik! Haha. Really tiring. We reach the city at 5pm. We asked the bus driver to stop an Ben Thant market since Mr Husband nak ambik suit yang dia buat yesterday. Alhamdulillah, jahitan dia baik. Sedap pakai. My pants too. Sedap pakai.

Thuy Duoc is the biggest kedai yang jual english cotton. The salesgirl also very nice. Diorang ni nak jual barang, so mmg semuanya manis2 belaka :) 
Since dah nak malam masa tu, we had our dinner early at 6pm at VN Halal. The restaurant is just next to Ben Thant market. Mr Husband had fried rice and I had vietnamese noodle. Sedap jugak! Tapi their crab soup not so tasty macam kat Halal @ Saigon. We tapau some fruit from the night market too. Makan je kan keje nye. Hehe.

Tu kedai My Sang. They said if u wanna do manik, tempah kat sini. Murah and jahitan also baik. But, I am not into manik sangat, so tak tempah la. Kedai ni is not inside Ben Thant, kena keluar sikit. Is a deretan kedai.

We went back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and took a taxi to Oscar Saigon Hotel. The hotel is located about 700 meter from Ben Thant. Best hotel ni. Its a 4 star hotel kan. Malam tu we just rest in the hotel. Penat jalan seharian. The 3rd day is the most tiring day.

Our LOST from Day 1 to Day 3..Haha...Banyak tak??

End of Day 3..


just.HY said...

omg!!! canteknyaaa suit tu!!! kene buat lah nnt nk pegi! hehehe

f i d a j a c o b said...

OMG! mangga tu tempting lah.. huwaaaaaa... sedap.. ciku tu pon..

Abg sharul tu brani nye pegang ular! OMGGGGG!

Kak syai, bus tu muat brp org? Is it ok if amek satu bus terus.. hahaha

syezy said...

Bus tu muat dalam 20 orang.. Rasanya boleh kot tapi kena book awal laa.. Sampai je terus gi cari and bagitau nak gi bila..