Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ho Chi Minh City - Day 4

Final day.. Day 4..

We start off with a good breakfast! Macam2 makanan in this hotel. Tapi semuanya bergoreng. Huhu. But we manage to find porridge with mushroom. No chicken inside! So boleh lah nak makan. Guess what, dah memang itu aje kan makanan yg boleh di makan, me and mr husband had 4 bowl each! Haha. Then mr husband ambik cornflakes. Since we can't eat the omelette, we ask the chef to do half boiled egg. I took 3, and mr husband took 5. Haha. Gile melampau kan? Mcm sebulan tak makan. Hehe. We took salad and cherry tomatos too. Together with banana. Hehe. A healty and not so healthy breakfast! :p

We check out from the hotel at 12pm and ask the hotel to keep our luggage. We start to jalan2 again in the city. Pergi Ben Thant lagi haha. Our favourite place! For lunch, mr husband teringin nak makan his favourite fried rice with chicken and crab soup at Halal @ Saigon. I do suggest we try other place since dah pernah makan kat situ kan, tapi dia teringin sangat. Dia memang mcm tu, kalau dah suka satu makanan, memang itu je laa yang dia nak. So untuk tidak menghampakan dia, and since dah nak balik dah pon, we had lunch there. I had noodle in tomyum. Sedap jugak! On top of that we ordered grill mussel. Pun sedap! We tapau steam rice for dinner kat airport nanti.

We head to the airport around 5.30 pm for check in. Our flight was at 8pm. After check in our luggage, we still have time. So we had our dinner at one of the cafe there. We ordered pepsi and bukak tin chicken curry, beef curry and sardine. Habiskan semua stock yang ada. Hehe. Sedapppp..

Some of the picture of what we bring back from Ho Chi Minh City..  Yang lain tak sempat nak snap sebab dah bagi2 orang.. Kain tu are all mine.. Melampau tak 12 pasang semuanya? Haha..
Painting, robot, pants, shirts and suit belongs to Mr Husband.. Hard rock blue tshirt is his and black is mine.. Seluar yang tengah tu mr husband tak pernah ada that colour lagi.. Suggest kat dia suruh tempah that colour sebab Seth Tan dalam Nora Elena suka pakai that colour with white shirt. Hehe. Tu white shirt pun ada tu :p

See you again Ho Chi Minh.. We definately going to visit you again.. Its a nice and great experience and we will never forget all the memories at HCM city :)) Thanks to Air Asia for the cheap ticket, thanks to Helmi for suggesting DIY and many more tips, thanks to forum for all the tips, thanks to Mr Husband for being a great travel partner and thanks to me for all my effort!! :))


f i d a j a c o b said...

Kak syai, asal kale sepesen semua baju kak syai tu. hahaha

org kata mata duk nampak kaler tu je yg lawa ek.. dah balik uma baru pasan hahaha...

syezy said...

haha mana ada..line bawah merah, purple, peach orange, putih, biru, purple, peach..

Line atas, campur2, biru, putih pink, pink purple, turqoise...

Sepesen gak aa...hahaha..tu mmg kaler2 kak syai... i am so not gonna wear hijau atau kuning!! kekeke...tu yg takde kaler2 tuh!