Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lunch box!

His simple lunch box for the first trial :) Sup ikan merah, brocolli & carrot, tempe goreng.. Simple aje.. Healthy food for the baby jugak.. :) Semangat gi beli the box malam tadi.. Hehe.. Dan semangat jugak bangun pagi masak.. Kekeke.. Tapi rasanya lepas ni i will cook at night kot.. Sebab I am not a morning person pun.. Huhu.. Memandangkan so far masih takde morning sickness ni, boleh lah nak masak kan.. Tapi kalau still takde sampai ke sarat nanti, rasanya masa sarat I will not cook dah kot.. Tu je nak update.. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

His last day with the firm

Today is his last day with the firm.. Like I said in my FB, mix feelings of me.. I am happy for him as this is what he want.. In fact, what we want actually.. Hehe.. To have a work life balance.. So I am happy for him.. I pray that he will success in his future career.. But in the meantime, I am sad.. Sad sebabnya he will not be in this firm anymore! Huhu... Which means, takkan datang office and balik office sama2 lagi.. Takkan makan tapau sama2 lagi.. No more chit chatting, sebab ada masa petang2 tu he will drop by my place and have a chit chat around 5-10 mins.. No more tea break.. No more same time (chat thru email)... No more discussion in the car sebab sometimes gi keje or balik keje tu lah nak discuss anything nye pon.. Sebab sampai rumah ada je keje nak buat kan.. I will definately miss all those moment with him in this office!! Huhu... Sedih... 

Still remember how we met back in 2008.. Haha tak payah lah cerita kat sini.. Tapi, I still keep our pix di awal perkenalan dulu... Chewahhh hahaha.. Poyosss... Tapi ni lah some of the pix... Hehe... Tengok lah 2-2 masih kurus, perut 2-2 pon kempis lagi masa tuh.. (walaupun tak nampak gambar perut kat bawah tu) Now?? Haha... 2-2 boroiii... Hehehe...

No matter where you are, what you do, please remember that there is someone thinking of you, missing you and looking forward to see you at home! :))

One thing keep playing in my mind, akan berjaya kah the lunch box? Haha... Will see how...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bandung - Day 3

Jom sambung with Day 3 in Bandung! Hehe... Lama gilerr nak sambung balik cerita ni... Start macam biasa ngan breakfast.. Food just the same like Day 2, tak sesedap mana pun.. But porridge will always be my 'must eat breakfast' kalau buffet. Hehe.. Since we are going to check out on the third day ni to another hotel in Jalan Dago and we going to have a long journey, kitorang terus check out in the morning after breakfast tu. Macam biasa, letak beg dekat receptionist. They will keep it for us sampai lah kita datang ambil our luggage tu.. After check out, teruslah merempit ke Tangkuban Parahu. We start our journey around 11.30am. Actually the place bukan lah jauh sangat. About 30km aje. Tapi because its Saturday, jalan nya MasyaAllah Taala macet nye! Naik motor pun agak susah nak mencilok coz sangatlah jem! (Ya Allah masa ni dah pregnant sebenarnya kan 4 weeks.. Tapi taktau kan.. Kalaulah tau, sure tak jadik naik moto!! Haha...)

So, untuk melegakan bontot yang dah keras kematu naik motor tu kan dengan macet all that, tiba2lah pulak ternampak ada FO on the way tu. Hehe. So stop by lah kejap and buy apa yang patut. Mr Husband suka this FO called Brands United. The tshirt design banyak yang cantik2. He bought dalam 6 helai baju jugak. I just grab one crochet jacket (again). Hehe..

Then stop lagi masa dah nak naik bukit ke Tangkuban Parahu tu. Jalan dia quite berbukit jugak. On the way tuh ada pulak strawberry farm. Nak petik buah dia sendiri pun boleh. But we choose to have a pack of strawberry and the juice which is really2 juicy! Loving it!

Ok, this is the view on the way up to the hill. Cantik.. Sejuk.. Its even cool than cameron highlands tau! Really! No wonder lah the strawberry can grew here so well!
Then stop pulak at Kampung Daun. Here is also one of a famous place. Sebab tempat dia memang cantik. Cool and pretty cosy to lepak. Its like hutan yang cantik and well maintained. Actually, we wanna have lunch here. Tapi sebab waiting list ada dalam 30 orang, we decided to continue our journey to Tangkuban Parahu. Yelah kan, takut nanti, makanan lambat, Tangkuban pun tutup. So we better make a right decision. And our decision was right indeed! Tangkuban tu closed at 5pm. I dont think kalau tunggu nak order makanan tu, we will be able to make it. So we just jalan2 sambil ambil gambar. Actually ada sambutan Hari Nyepi. So, thats why sangat ramai orang kat tempat tu. People like us, going for vacayy. Tapi, rasanya ramai orang from Jakarta ke Bandung on weekends. Thats why very crowded.

Ok, dah sampai Tangkuban Parahu! Around 3 plus jugak sampai ke tempat yang sepatutnya. Haha. That was like 3 hours journey! Make sense lah kan dengan macet and we stop by at few places. Hehe. Oh rupa2nya Tangkuban Parahu ni kawah gunung berapi (kata Mr Husband). Oh God, didnt I told you much earlier its a kawah gunung berapi? He said mana ada... Is it............ Haishh... I thot I told you... Haha... About 1 hour jugak kat atas tu... Nak sampai 3 hours plus, tapi duduk atas tu 1 hour je.. Haha... Sempatlah jugak buy some fridge magnet up there.

On the way back - turun bukit... Quite scary with us riding motorcycle..

On the way turun tu, nampak satu kedai makan ni just beside masjid. Rumah Asli Sunda. But forgot to snap picture. Sigh. Masa tu around 5pm jugak, so perut 2-2 dah berkeroncong sebab we did not have lunch. Only breakfast kat hotel je pagi tu. So orderlah nasi and our main lauk is garupa bakar. Tak sesedap mana pun jugak. Huhu. Sebab the garupa tu bakar dengan kacang?? What kind of food lah tu. Tak kena tekak langsung. Tapi sebab lapar, makan aje lah. Huhu.

Masa balik tu, singgah jugak lah sekali lagi Kampung Daun tu. Since teringin sangat nak makan pisang cheese dia. Mr Husband pun stop jugak demi memenuhi kehendak wife dia yang kuat makan nih. Haha. Suasana malam lebih best! Tapi still ramai orang. Waiting list around 20 orang. Huhu. So we decided to tapau aje and makan kat tepi2 tu aje. Tapau kalau cepat sikit sebab we just go to the counter. Tak payah tunggu nak cari tempat duduk.

Balik tu, we straight away pergi our new hotel, Grand Sereti at Jalan Setiabudhi. At first nak rest dulu kat hotel then took a cab from hotel pergi Grand Serala... Tapi sebab penat sangat2 and jalan agak jem, and nasib baik lah Grand Serela Grand Seriti ni semua one company under Kagum, so we all mintak tolong the receptionist arrange kan their people pergi ambik our luggage. Haha... Selambe tak? Alhamdulillah diorang cakap ok but will be a bit late dalam kol 11 pm mcm tu... Its ok lah asalkan tak payah meredah jem semua..

And malam tu, we just had maggi cup for dinner... Hehe.. Lagipun petang dah makan quite late jugak.. So tak berapa lapar.. Maggi pun maggi lah janji boleh di makan... :)) And our catch for Day 3 with total expenses..

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Alhamdulillah... After waiting for 2 and a half years, finally I am pregnant.. Praised be to Allah.. Tuhan sekalian alam.. Yang Maha Memberi kepada hamba2Nya... Sangat bersyukur bila dapat tau pregnant walaupun pada mulanya memang tak percaya... Sebenarnya dah delay for 3 weeks, but I don't have courage to self check.. My frens ada yang dah suruh check but I just don't feel like checking.. Until last Saturday morning, suddenly rasa macam loya bila nak breakfast mee rebus... And same goes to Sunday morning... Rasa loya pulakk bila nak makan kueteau sup... Lunch ngan dinner takde pulak nak loyaaa.. Pelik... So that Sunday tu jugak, I ask Mr Husband to buy the pregnancy test.. He went to office, so malam tu dia balik, dia belikan... Bile test... Ya Allah... Memang gile tak percaya its positif!! Esoknya Monday after lunch test lagi, and again its positif! So Monday night, me and Mr Husband pergi check doctor and yes its again positive... Walaupun doctor buat the same test, tapi bila dapat confirmation from doctor tu, barulah rasa lega.. Alhamdulillah doa kami dimakbulkan Allah.. The baby come just at the right time.. After Mr Husband berhenti kerja.. Dulu I always think, if I get pregnant masa Mr Husband still working in the firm, mesti kesian the baby. Sebab Mr Husband busy.. Weekend kerja.. Dengan isteri takpe lagi, tapi kalau dengan baby takde masa, pity the baby la.. Alhamdulillah rezeki yang diberi olehNya ni datang tepat pada masanya.. Alhamdulillah... Syukran Ya Allah... Macam tau2 je the baby bila dia patut ada dalam perut mak dia ni.. Hehe.. Mr Husband last day in the firm pun this 17th.. So 3 hari je lagi working days for him..

But the moment I know I am pregnant, the first thing come into my mind is doa kak Ramlah, wife imam masjid yang kitorang pergi for solat kat Ho Chi Minh haritu.. Seriously I teringat kat dia sangat2.. Kata orang, doa orang2 beriman ni selalu dimakbulkan.. Alhamdulillah... Tak sangka journey yang pada mulanya niat untuk shopping and jalan2 akhirnya membuahkan hasil.. Kuasa Allah.. Dia yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang baik untuk hamba2Nya... Will definately call you kak Ramlah to say thank youuuu!!

With this news, that also means.. I have to cancel many plans... Because my EDD is 26 November...

i) To cancel our Hong Kong trip in May which my pregnancy baru masuk week 12, so semua orang kata the baby tak kuat lagi.. Takleh gi jalan lagi.. Huhu.. Burn aje lah since RM400 je for 2..

ii) In June by right pergi Kuching, during that time dah 16 weeks, so rasanya ok kot nak travel.. Have to ask for doctor's say too.. Itupun kalau nak burn tak kisah sebab RM80 jer for 2..

iii) In September pulak suppose to go to Perhentian, ticket ke KT dah beli RM100 for 2.. Itupun ada harapan kena burn sebab 7 months dah masa tu... The baby might come out earlier!! Who knows! Ohh noo noo tak sanggup ambil risiko!

iv) Melbourne trip in October, baby dah 36 weeks! Ohhhh no no again nak jalan lagi, sebulan je lagi nak beranak kott... Haha.. By the time nanti, sure my perottt ni dah boyottt bagai, am sure tak larat dah nak jalan.. Hehe.. So our plan is to pospone the Melbourne trip.. Dah incurred RM1,500 for 2.. Beli masa AA promo.. Sure kena tambah payment tapi takpelah... Since yang ni paling mahal bayar...

v) Last but not least, my ex-officemate best fren, Nazihah kahwin on 25 November.. Gone lah jawabnya.. Esoknya baby nak keluar dah!! Hehe...

Whatever it is, we are a very happy couple! Mr Husband sangat seronok bila tengok ada 2 lines kat pregnancy test tu! Meloncat2 dia tak sabar dah nak jadi bapak.. Hehe.. Can't wait to learn and experience the parenting skills! But for the time being, I am very excited to experience the pregnancy moment! They said it is valueless! =D

Monday, April 9, 2012

Home cooked food!

Wahhh its been sooo long since my last update! Lama sungguh... Bersarang dah blog ni.. Huhu... My Day 3 to Day 5 in Bandung still pending.. Takpelah, I update my cooking dulu for the past one week...

 Sotong goreng kunyit..

 Grill chicken yang dimasukkan dalam oven.. Nampak macam hangit, but its actually not... Guess I should learn more on this...
Kueteau kuah.. Takde sayur.. Hehe.. Tak cukup bahan.. Bantai je apa yang ada...

Kerang rebus...

Ketam masak cili padi dengan timun... Terbaaeeekkk.. Mr Husband makan 2 jam setengah baru setel 6 ekor ketam... I tukang nganga mulut jer.. Hehe...

Sup daging.. (bahagian rusuk) terbaekkk....

Roti jala..

Kari daging (bahagian rusuk jugak)...

My home made apple juice... Burrrrrpppppp... Kenyang!!!