Tuesday, April 17, 2012

His last day with the firm

Today is his last day with the firm.. Like I said in my FB, mix feelings of me.. I am happy for him as this is what he want.. In fact, what we want actually.. Hehe.. To have a work life balance.. So I am happy for him.. I pray that he will success in his future career.. But in the meantime, I am sad.. Sad sebabnya he will not be in this firm anymore! Huhu... Which means, takkan datang office and balik office sama2 lagi.. Takkan makan tapau sama2 lagi.. No more chit chatting, sebab ada masa petang2 tu he will drop by my place and have a chit chat around 5-10 mins.. No more tea break.. No more same time (chat thru email)... No more discussion in the car sebab sometimes gi keje or balik keje tu lah nak discuss anything nye pon.. Sebab sampai rumah ada je keje nak buat kan.. I will definately miss all those moment with him in this office!! Huhu... Sedih... 

Still remember how we met back in 2008.. Haha tak payah lah cerita kat sini.. Tapi, I still keep our pix di awal perkenalan dulu... Chewahhh hahaha.. Poyosss... Tapi ni lah some of the pix... Hehe... Tengok lah 2-2 masih kurus, perut 2-2 pon kempis lagi masa tuh.. (walaupun tak nampak gambar perut kat bawah tu) Now?? Haha... 2-2 boroiii... Hehehe...

No matter where you are, what you do, please remember that there is someone thinking of you, missing you and looking forward to see you at home! :))

One thing keep playing in my mind, akan berjaya kah the lunch box? Haha... Will see how...

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