Friday, June 1, 2012

Our 13 weeks baby..

Our 13 weeks baby :)) Can u see body and head? :)) Its totally an amazing feeling when we can clearly see the baby's head, body, hands and legs.. Alhamdulillah... Ya Allah, besarnya kuasaMu.. A baby can reside in his/her mom's womb.. Its totally a wonderful feeling! Then, I realized most of my friends'  message when they first know that I am pregnant ; to enjoyy the pregnancy moment coz its one of the most special moment to a mom! And yes, its true, its a priceless moments I am experiencing now.. The most incomparable feeling, the most beautiful emotion feelings of all! :))

Inside the doc's room
The doc scan my womb and we can clearly see baby punya kaki tengah cross. Bersilang. Mr Husband dah tergelak2 which I dunno why..

Outside the doc's room
Mr Husband: Now I know the baby ikut siapa.. (sambil tergelak2)..

(baru tersedar yang memang I like to sleep with the legs cross! Hahahahahaha....

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