Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fruits for thought!

One each.. Satu untuk kamu, satu untuk saya.. Guess which one belongs to me? Haruslah the big one.. Hehe.. Since priority perlu diberikan kepada orang mengandung.. Lagipun hari2 beli buah yg one packet seringgit tu, might as well bawak sendiri kan.. Puas hati.. Bleh ngapp di waktu pagi dan petang masa lapar :))..  Tak payah laa dah kol 4 ptg nanti tetibe lapa, gi beli colonel burger / fillet o fish / subway dah.. Apple, jambu batu and jambu air... Nyummyyyliciousss.. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Clinique sales!

Yesterday we went for skin care, make up and fragrance sales at Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel, KL. The ticket was a gift from our client to my partner. It's actually a staff sale. Tapi diorang distribute jugak to the business associates.. Then my partner gave it away to all her managers. Think she must got a lot since dia bagi to all her managers. Since my manager taknak pergi, so she gave it me. I am sooo lucky!! ;) Tapi berhabis jugak lah duit bila dah pergi tu kan.. Hehe.. But I really2 satisfied with the price.. Sangat2 murahhhh!! Kalau nak beli at the normal price just for skin care, I would think twice... The normal soap cleanser tu normally sold at rm80, tapi dapat rm40 sahaja.. The toner normal at rm180, dapat rm100 sahaja.. Toner for type 3 skin normal at rm82, dapat rm32 sahaja.. The serum skin repair box hijau tu normal at rm190 tapi dapat rm60 sahaja.. Travel pack yg kecik2 tu plus the big moisturizer tu around rm385, dapat rm185 sahaja.. Compact powder I dunno how much kat luar tapi beli casing with 2 refill at rm60 sahaja.. Orang tu kata, normally casing je dah rm40.. Huhu.. Wahhh seronokk!! We all siap beli 2 set sebab murah kan... So all these I yg bayar....

Yang ni pulak, favour from Mr Husband.. Hehe.. Actually I ask him to buy for me.. For my advance birthday present...So no more presie for my birthday next month.. Sob sob sob.. Tapi kalau nak bagi lagi apelah salahnya kan.. Hehe... Tapi ni pon dah cukup lah for me.. Really2 excited!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bandung - Day 5

Finally Day 5! Hehe... Food for breakfast sama je macam Day 4.. Inilah rupenye the breakfast ye kalau stay at Grand Seriti.. Just a normal hotel food with normal taste.. Takde special pun...

Hah, pening kepala nak check out... Sebab nak kemas barang yang banyakkkkk... Seriously thanks to Mr Husband sebab dia pandai kemas beg.. Ni tak masuk lagi barang2 yang we both shop at Day 5... Tapi dah simpan sikit space dalam back pack... Penuhkan luggage bag dulu...

First destination was Kartika Sari.. Memandangkan ramai kawan order the brownies kan... So beli 8 packet semuanya!! Macam2 ada sebenarnya.. Kalau pergi in the morning, ada kuih muih semua.. Macam2 jenis!! 

Next, all the outlet near Jalan Dago tu lah.. Sangat2 banyak outlet ni.. Jalan satu hari memang tak habis.. We all jalan pun from the morning till 5pm macam tu boleh lah cover quite a number of FO jugak.. Tu pun dah macam2 beli.. Kalau stay lebih lama, sure lagi banyak beli... FO dia memang menarik...

Memang terkejar2 masa tu nak habiskan semua FO yang ada, eventhough mmg ada jugak yang skip actually..Nak kena send back the motor around 5pm plus mcm tu... Tapi before that gi makan dulu.. Lunch ok.. At 5pm.. Haha... Last day ni lah baru nak makan makanan minang.. Kalau tau the food lebih kurang Malay, sure dah lama makan kat sini kot.. Dari makanan sunda semua tu.. Payah tekak nak telan... Minang food was like Malay jugak.. Masak lemak, sotong masak pedas, kari daging, ok laa memang sedap... Kenyang lah makan masa tu.. Sebab macam dah 5 days tak jumpa Malay food kan.. Hehe...

Our catch for Day 5! Huhu... Pening kepala Mr Husband menyusun.. But he managed to do it lah! Hehe...

Oh ni Jalan Cihampelas, tak sempat pergi pun.. They said the goods there pasal cartoon character nih.. So takdelah ralat sangat tak pergi sebab mmg tak berapa minat pun.. Hehe...

Dah nak balik... Hehe... Sempat catch some books at the bookshop in the airport.. Sangat murah ye.. Thats why I borong 3 terus... Tengok lah tu, we read different type of books.. Haha.. Soooo different ok....

Duit2 terakhir guna beli some fruits and drinks :)) Tu je yang duit yang tinggal nak bawak balik Malaysia.. Hehe..

Dalam flight kelaparan... So, we ordered food... Tak pre-book pun sebab ingatkan akan makan kat Bandung je.. Walaupun dah makan pukul 5pm, tapi malam tu still lapar.. Hehe... What to do... Perut besar 2-2... :p

Our catch in bandung for Day 5!! :))
Overall trip in Bandung during 5 days memang satu experience yang takkan boleh dilupakan.. It was our first time in Bandung.. Was also our first trip and the last trip perhaps jalan2 sewa motor? Sebab lepas ni ada baby.. Takkan nak bawak baby naik motor kan.. Unless just the 2 of us go vacation lah.. Then, tak tau masa tu dah pregnant, bila we both pk pk balik, it was like, mmg berani mati since pregnancy baru 5 weeks masa tu... Apa2 pun, what more important is alhamdulillah semuanya selamat.. :) We hope that we can come back again one fine day to this city of shopping with the baby.. :))

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bandung - Day 4

Hellooooooooo.......Lama betul pending for this post kan... Dah basi and takde orang berminat nak baca dah pun... Hehehe.. Dah nak sebulan kot... Huhuhu.. Basically Day 4 at Bandung tak banyak aktiviti pun yang di buat except for shopping!! We went to Rumah Mode to shop!! It was a blast shopping seriously!! Kalau lah tau dah pregnant waktu tu, sure memborong baby's stuffs!! Sangat2 murah...Sampai ada belikan for my frens yg dah due, nak due bulan 8, 10 pun dah siap belikan! haha...sebab murah okeh!

As usual, gambar food takleh tinggal :)) Bak kata one of my fren, my blog ni full of food photos aje!! Nak buat camne, food lover lah katakan hehe...

Gambar sekitar rumah mode yang best itewww!!

Dalam ni siap ada restaurant ye, Bumbu Desa, sesiapa yang nak shop lama tu, silalah singgah makan dulu :)) Tapi disebabkan dalam our itenarary, lunch kitorang should be at Rumah Makan Sari Sunda, so here we are..

Ikan pepes... Tak sedap!! Menyampah sangat.... Tanya that guy ikan ni macam mana, katanya dibakar... So we guess sedap lah kan... Ikan bakar katenye.. Sekali sampai, bakar pakai daun pisang, tapi rempahnye kaler kuning, sangat tak menyelerakan!! Bluekkk...Haha... Apelah kan, rezeki di bluekk bluekk kan... Tapi mmg serius tak sedap.. Mr Husband je habeskan.. I just don't like it....Huhu... The rest was ok.. Satay daging sedap... Menyelerakan :))
Malam pulak, because I got headache that night, (pasal pening nak tengok nak beli mana satu kot hehe) so we did not manage to follow our schedule.. So we end up having our dinner kat tempat dinner on Day 2.. Dailycious.. Oklah, sakit nye pasal kan....
The end.. Owhh malasnye nak menulis kan Day 4 ni.. Haha... Lagipun shopping and makan aje the whole day...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

24 April 2012

Celebrating our 2 and a half year anniversary.. On 24 April 2012.. Hehe.. Poyo tak? Takde lah celebrate sangat pun.. Just keluar makan nandos aje.. Memandangkan tak berapa nak lalu makan sangat first trimester ni, Mr Husband pun bawak lah makan nandos dengan harapan I can eat more... Tak sangka it works!! Thanks to you Mr White Shirt! :)) Sebab lepas2 tu mmg asyik craving for nandos aje.. Haha.. Last week pulak asyik nak makan laksa...

Tengok tu... Licin!! I just love nandos with extra hot flava!! Sampai ke tulang laaa akan dilicinkan.. Hehe...

Our 8 weeks baby..

Our 8 weeks baby :) Kecik lagi tu.. Tak sabar nak tunggu dia besar nanti.. :)) Now already 11 weeks..

The end :)

First timer pizza & macaroni cheese!

Lama nya tak update my blog ni! Huhu.. Been busy and actually because of the early pregnancy syndrome.. Tak berapa ada mood nak berblogging.. Ada kene mengena ke? Haha... Anyway, ni my first time pizza yang dibikin sendiri.. Haha.. Beef pepperroni.. Ok laaa jugak boleh laa nak makan berdua kan... Hehe.. Kalau nak jamu orang, I don't think so lagi lah... Kene buat beberapa kali lagi ni.. This time, memang the cheese sangat kurang, mozarella I mean... Tepung pon tak berapa tebal... Nipis, so rasa dia very crunchy.. Sebab tu boleh makan pizza besar ni sekali aje.. Takyah simpan2 pon.. Hehe.. Yang tengah nampak hitam sikit tu, terlebih chili powder kat that part.. Tapi tak pedas pon... My Husband dah tanya bila nak buat lagi.. Huhu... Tengok lah yaaa kerajinan diri ni...

Yang ni pulak my first time macaroni cheese.. We had it tonight.. Mudah je buat ni... Boil macaroni.. Heat cream of chicken together with milk, add in some prawn.. Then masukkan the boiled macaroni in the mixture, layer it with sliced of tomato and cheddar cheese sliced, bake in oven for 25 mins in 175C. Lepas bake, tabur parsley on top of it.. Mudah kan? 15 mins preparation, 25 mins bake, siap lah :) Cubalah!!

Ni after kuwa from the oven..

After dibalik2kan & ditabur parsley :))