Thursday, May 10, 2012

First timer pizza & macaroni cheese!

Lama nya tak update my blog ni! Huhu.. Been busy and actually because of the early pregnancy syndrome.. Tak berapa ada mood nak berblogging.. Ada kene mengena ke? Haha... Anyway, ni my first time pizza yang dibikin sendiri.. Haha.. Beef pepperroni.. Ok laaa jugak boleh laa nak makan berdua kan... Hehe.. Kalau nak jamu orang, I don't think so lagi lah... Kene buat beberapa kali lagi ni.. This time, memang the cheese sangat kurang, mozarella I mean... Tepung pon tak berapa tebal... Nipis, so rasa dia very crunchy.. Sebab tu boleh makan pizza besar ni sekali aje.. Takyah simpan2 pon.. Hehe.. Yang tengah nampak hitam sikit tu, terlebih chili powder kat that part.. Tapi tak pedas pon... My Husband dah tanya bila nak buat lagi.. Huhu... Tengok lah yaaa kerajinan diri ni...

Yang ni pulak my first time macaroni cheese.. We had it tonight.. Mudah je buat ni... Boil macaroni.. Heat cream of chicken together with milk, add in some prawn.. Then masukkan the boiled macaroni in the mixture, layer it with sliced of tomato and cheddar cheese sliced, bake in oven for 25 mins in 175C. Lepas bake, tabur parsley on top of it.. Mudah kan? 15 mins preparation, 25 mins bake, siap lah :) Cubalah!!

Ni after kuwa from the oven..

After dibalik2kan & ditabur parsley :))

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