Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kuching - Day 3

Ok, another update for Day 3 in Kuching! :) Brunch again dekat the same kedai. Hehe. Kopi o corner. Tapi this time Mr Husband aje yang makan nasi with his kuah singgang tu kan. I ordered Laksa Sarawak dengan Roti Daging! Ohhhhhhh you guys should try the roti daging kalau ke kedai ni!!! Sedap sangat2!! Taste like murtabak + roti John!! Superb!! Sedap sangat2!! Huhu...

Lepas dah kenyang hehe, we all ke Kampung Budaya Sarawak. Dalam sejam jugak nak ke sana from Kuching town. Entrance fee is RM60 for adult. Mahal jugak kan? But I use my ACCA student card, so dapat lah RM15 sahaja. Hehe. Mr Husband je lah kena bayar RM60. Dia dah pernah gi before ni. I je lah tak gi lagi. Dalam ni ada 7 rumah semuanya. Rumah Bidayuh, Iban, Penan, Orang Ulu, Melanau, Cina and Melayu. Ada yang tinggi2 sangat tu tak naiklah since I am pregnant kan. After dah habis visit all the rumahs, ada show tarian kebudayaan. Best sangat! Even dalam 20 mins aje, but its very entertaining!

Ok, dinner again kat TopSpot! Hehe... Makan siakap steam, buttered prawn, kangkong belacan, chili crab and black pepper lobster! Sungguh yummy!! :))

End of our trip at Kuching :)) You may go to this link kalau nak tengok the total expenses for our Kuching trip!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Kuching - Day 2

Happy Raya you allzzz!! Hehe... Hari ni 6 Syawal... Me and Mr Husband masih beraya di Penang and Kuala Kangsar.. So sementara cuti ni, meh sambung meh our 2nd day trip to Kuching.. After quite some time nak meng update blog ni kan... Hehe.. Jom layanzz picture2 kat sana together with the foods there. :)

We had a brunch at Kopi O Corner, Satok. Memang sedap makan kat sini.. Ikan kembung kuah singgang dia memang the best!! (favourite Mr Husband masa kecik katanya). Kedai ni bukak siang aje ye. Next to the kedai is RJ Ayam Penyet. Orang kata sedap jugak the ayam penyet. Tapi we all tak sempat nak gi makan. Sebab dah ter attach ngan seafood. Hehe. Ye lah kan, alang2 gi sabah sarawak ni, might as well we eat the seafood yang fresh2!! Murah pulak tu kan.. Such a waste lah kalau pegi sana makan ayam semua. Lagipon, both of us ni memang seafood lovers kan! :)) Kat kedai ni, I ordered sup tulang jugak. Ok lah, not bad.

Then, we went to pasar Sarikei. Its actually one hour journey aje nak ke situ from Kuching town. But since we all 'ter' lalu jalan yg agak jauh sikit, so it drag us for 2 hours. Huhu. Tapi balik dah tau jalan, so it took about one hour sahaja. Most of the kain yang jual kat situ is from Indonesia. Salesman tu kata it took you about 20 mins aje kalau nak ke Indonesia from that pasar. Haha. Rugi tak bawak passport. Kalau tak, dah panjang dah kaki kami berdua ni. :p kain2 yang dia jual pun mostly bercorak batik. Cantik2 jugak kalau pandai pilih..

After we get back to the town, we all gi lepak sambil ambik2 gambar kat padang apetah nama dia. Haha. Looks green aje kan... Cantik! So we stop by. Ambik gambar by wearing the pregnancy dress. Walaupon perot tak besar mana lagi kan? Haha....

Bila dah petang sikit tu, kitorang naik bot to the opposite of the waterfront. Bayaran nya cuma seringgit for 2 people for one way. Hehe. Kat sana we bought some kek lapis and terubuk masin nak bawak balik KL.

Ohhhhh our dinner at TopSpot! Sedap sangat2... Tapi kedai ni takde lobster! Nantikan Day 3 punya dinner! Hehe.. So our dinner tonight ni, we ate rice with kangkong belacan, sotong tepung, sup sayur, siakap steam and ketam masak dried chili. Hingga menjilat jari! :)) And some of the stuff we bought with few souvenirs to bring back to KL..

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kuching - Day 1

Ok, come, let's update a little bit about our trip to Kuching on 16-18 June baru2 ni.. Actually tak ramai yang tau our trip ni since my pregnancy was like 17 weeks at that point of time, and ada yang tak bagi pergi sebab naik flight kan.. But, we took the advise from doctor.. According to her, naik flight bukan lah satu masalah when u are pregnant.. Altitude not a problem at all.. We did ask her, takut masa the plane landed quite rough, so something might happen? Tapi kena perli dengan the doctor. Haha. She said, habis tu macam mana pulak dengan yang naik motor hari2 tu? Langgar bonggol hari2? It actually depends on the mom's body.. How she take it.. Ada badan mom yang kena sikit pun boleh jadi apa2.. Ada yang aktif bagai, but ok.. So, after taken into consideration, we decided to go.. Since doctor kata my pregnancy dah 4 bulan, dah quite stable.. And my badan pun tak lemah, so should not be a problem.. Tawakal aje lah dan sambil tu selalu berdoa supaya semuanya selamat.. But, on a separate note, kalau kandungan dah mencecah 8 bulan, the airlines takkan bagi naik.. Scared beranak dalam plane kot.. And I personally think that it's not a good idea to travel by plane bila dah sarat macam tu... And for the first time, straight 3 hari I wear maxi! Hehe.. I purposely bought the maxi dress for my pregnancy wear! Hehe.. Looks good, and very comfortable bila pakai sebab kain kan.. :))

Ok, dah sampai Kuching Airport.. Better than Bandung tho.. Haha.. Kelakar bila teringat Bandung Airport. Worst ever! Bersyukurlah kita di Malaysia ni..

Jalan nya sangat tenang... We rent a MyVi. Hehe. Senang nak bergerak ke mana sahaja.

Ok, ni our room. Cantik and sangat kemas! Riverside Majestic ni is a 5 star hotel. But the rate is not like KL's 5 star hotel rate. Boleh lah, affordable. Selesa. The hotel is attached to shopping complex, Parkson. Parking pun masuk ikut Parkson. Very convenient! Kalau malam boring ke boleh lah gi tengok movie kat dalam mall tu. Jalan tak sampai 5 minit pun! And dia opposite Kuching Waterfront! Within the walking distance. Nampak tak the picture we took from the room. Boleh naik sampan untuk menyeberang. Kat sana ada jual ikan terubuk masin, kek lapis. Day 2 baru pergi sana. So, letak beg, bergambar dalam bilik dulu. Hehe. Dah sampai pun petang, so the first day ni memang tak sempat buat apa except for gi pasar and dinner.

Pasar at Satok. We thought of buying seafood bawak balik KL. Tapi the seafood kat Kuching ni tak macam kat KK atau Tawau yang diorang boleh pack kan untuk kita. Furthermore, the barang2 mentah pun tak se best kat Sabah. Normal mcm yang bleh dapat kat KL je. So, tak jadi lah beli.

Our dinner cuma makan Laksa Sarawak and Mee Kolok kat Restoran Assam Garam ni nearby the pasar. Hehe. Then, balik bilik rest! End of Day 1. Just a short day since sampai Kuching pun dah around 4pm. To be continued to Day 2! :)

Ramadhan Iftar 2012

Assalamualaikum...  Its been quite a long time since the last time I update my blog.. Reason being? I am stuck with my office work.. Rushing for dateline this 15 August.. Means before raya lah. Sampaikan this year terawih, sempat buat 5 malam sahaja. Tomorrow already 17 Ramadhan. Sad. :( balik lewat then dah penat kan. Nak buat sendiri pun tak mampu. But I am grateful to Allah that so far, I managed to perform Rukun Islam ke-3 ni sepenuhnya. Hopefully akan berterusan sampai ke 30 Ramadhan. InsyaAllah. 

This peak is killing me!! But I always keep in my mind that all this will end soon. Hang on. Just for 1 month plus. Stay there. Be strong. And the time will pass by. And bila dah habis semua tu, I know that there will be time when I sit and think about it and I will eventually smile.. To know that I have gone through the toughest month in the year. Furthermore, by carrying my baby inside my womb. I am happy to share that I am in my 24th weeks of pregnancy. :) My baby is growing well. The last time we see the doctor, doctor cakap our baby's leg is long. Hehe. Mana tak nya, the parents are tall. So no surprise. I am happy that I can start to feel the movement inside my womb. Macam di poke poke. Hehe. But the kicking, I bet its too early to feel that. 

Dalam pada busy tu, sempat juga lah masak. Untuk Mr Husband tersayang. He just loves my cooking despite everyone else's judgement. That's why I don't mind to cook for him walaupun penat. Tapi ada jugaklah kalau tak larat tu, I just tell straight to him. Then we buy. Or makan kat luar (office lah tu). Or sometime, I just cook for sahur. Kalau ada lebih, then buat berbuka esoknya. If weekend, then I'll cook for berbuka. This fasting month + my busy working month, tak sempat nak masak yg extraordinary.. So just a simple menu sahaja setiap hari. Sahur kadang2 goreng ikan sahaja. Hehe. Memang bersederhana we all sepanjang Ramadhan tahun ni. Enjoy the pictures. I hope I have time to post the entry about Kuching. Atau baby's stuff yang we all dah beli. Hopefully one day! After this busy peak period ends!

 Lobak putih bersama udang

 Kari ikan jenahak

 Sotong goreng tepung

 Ikan kerapu goreng garing

 Bubur lambuk daging

 Kobis bersama udang

 Ikan kerisi singgang pedas

 Mixed vege bersama udang

 Kailan ikan masin

 Bendi goreng

 Sotong goreng kunyit

Tauhu goreng pedas

 Ikan kerapu steam

Udang goreng kunyit

 Ayam masak lemak cili api

 Tomyam campur

 Sup campur

 Ikan cencaru pedas

Sekian. :))