Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ramadhan Iftar 2012

Assalamualaikum...  Its been quite a long time since the last time I update my blog.. Reason being? I am stuck with my office work.. Rushing for dateline this 15 August.. Means before raya lah. Sampaikan this year terawih, sempat buat 5 malam sahaja. Tomorrow already 17 Ramadhan. Sad. :( balik lewat then dah penat kan. Nak buat sendiri pun tak mampu. But I am grateful to Allah that so far, I managed to perform Rukun Islam ke-3 ni sepenuhnya. Hopefully akan berterusan sampai ke 30 Ramadhan. InsyaAllah. 

This peak is killing me!! But I always keep in my mind that all this will end soon. Hang on. Just for 1 month plus. Stay there. Be strong. And the time will pass by. And bila dah habis semua tu, I know that there will be time when I sit and think about it and I will eventually smile.. To know that I have gone through the toughest month in the year. Furthermore, by carrying my baby inside my womb. I am happy to share that I am in my 24th weeks of pregnancy. :) My baby is growing well. The last time we see the doctor, doctor cakap our baby's leg is long. Hehe. Mana tak nya, the parents are tall. So no surprise. I am happy that I can start to feel the movement inside my womb. Macam di poke poke. Hehe. But the kicking, I bet its too early to feel that. 

Dalam pada busy tu, sempat juga lah masak. Untuk Mr Husband tersayang. He just loves my cooking despite everyone else's judgement. That's why I don't mind to cook for him walaupun penat. Tapi ada jugaklah kalau tak larat tu, I just tell straight to him. Then we buy. Or makan kat luar (office lah tu). Or sometime, I just cook for sahur. Kalau ada lebih, then buat berbuka esoknya. If weekend, then I'll cook for berbuka. This fasting month + my busy working month, tak sempat nak masak yg extraordinary.. So just a simple menu sahaja setiap hari. Sahur kadang2 goreng ikan sahaja. Hehe. Memang bersederhana we all sepanjang Ramadhan tahun ni. Enjoy the pictures. I hope I have time to post the entry about Kuching. Atau baby's stuff yang we all dah beli. Hopefully one day! After this busy peak period ends!

 Lobak putih bersama udang

 Kari ikan jenahak

 Sotong goreng tepung

 Ikan kerapu goreng garing

 Bubur lambuk daging

 Kobis bersama udang

 Ikan kerisi singgang pedas

 Mixed vege bersama udang

 Kailan ikan masin

 Bendi goreng

 Sotong goreng kunyit

Tauhu goreng pedas

 Ikan kerapu steam

Udang goreng kunyit

 Ayam masak lemak cili api

 Tomyam campur

 Sup campur

 Ikan cencaru pedas

Sekian. :))

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