Sunday, August 5, 2012

Kuching - Day 1

Ok, come, let's update a little bit about our trip to Kuching on 16-18 June baru2 ni.. Actually tak ramai yang tau our trip ni since my pregnancy was like 17 weeks at that point of time, and ada yang tak bagi pergi sebab naik flight kan.. But, we took the advise from doctor.. According to her, naik flight bukan lah satu masalah when u are pregnant.. Altitude not a problem at all.. We did ask her, takut masa the plane landed quite rough, so something might happen? Tapi kena perli dengan the doctor. Haha. She said, habis tu macam mana pulak dengan yang naik motor hari2 tu? Langgar bonggol hari2? It actually depends on the mom's body.. How she take it.. Ada badan mom yang kena sikit pun boleh jadi apa2.. Ada yang aktif bagai, but ok.. So, after taken into consideration, we decided to go.. Since doctor kata my pregnancy dah 4 bulan, dah quite stable.. And my badan pun tak lemah, so should not be a problem.. Tawakal aje lah dan sambil tu selalu berdoa supaya semuanya selamat.. But, on a separate note, kalau kandungan dah mencecah 8 bulan, the airlines takkan bagi naik.. Scared beranak dalam plane kot.. And I personally think that it's not a good idea to travel by plane bila dah sarat macam tu... And for the first time, straight 3 hari I wear maxi! Hehe.. I purposely bought the maxi dress for my pregnancy wear! Hehe.. Looks good, and very comfortable bila pakai sebab kain kan.. :))

Ok, dah sampai Kuching Airport.. Better than Bandung tho.. Haha.. Kelakar bila teringat Bandung Airport. Worst ever! Bersyukurlah kita di Malaysia ni..

Jalan nya sangat tenang... We rent a MyVi. Hehe. Senang nak bergerak ke mana sahaja.

Ok, ni our room. Cantik and sangat kemas! Riverside Majestic ni is a 5 star hotel. But the rate is not like KL's 5 star hotel rate. Boleh lah, affordable. Selesa. The hotel is attached to shopping complex, Parkson. Parking pun masuk ikut Parkson. Very convenient! Kalau malam boring ke boleh lah gi tengok movie kat dalam mall tu. Jalan tak sampai 5 minit pun! And dia opposite Kuching Waterfront! Within the walking distance. Nampak tak the picture we took from the room. Boleh naik sampan untuk menyeberang. Kat sana ada jual ikan terubuk masin, kek lapis. Day 2 baru pergi sana. So, letak beg, bergambar dalam bilik dulu. Hehe. Dah sampai pun petang, so the first day ni memang tak sempat buat apa except for gi pasar and dinner.

Pasar at Satok. We thought of buying seafood bawak balik KL. Tapi the seafood kat Kuching ni tak macam kat KK atau Tawau yang diorang boleh pack kan untuk kita. Furthermore, the barang2 mentah pun tak se best kat Sabah. Normal mcm yang bleh dapat kat KL je. So, tak jadi lah beli.

Our dinner cuma makan Laksa Sarawak and Mee Kolok kat Restoran Assam Garam ni nearby the pasar. Hehe. Then, balik bilik rest! End of Day 1. Just a short day since sampai Kuching pun dah around 4pm. To be continued to Day 2! :)

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