Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Maulidur Rasul & Thaipusam Holiday

This year, Muslims are celebrating Maulidur Rasul on Monday and Hindus on Tuesday for Thaipusam. So, that makes the office closed for 4 consecutive days from Saturday to Sunday :)
As Mr Husband's cousin wedding is on Saturday, we went back to hometown on Friday night. Luckily the traffic was ok.. It was so smooth that we are able to reach Kuala Kangsar for 3 hours as normal drive..
The next morning, we head straight to rumah pengantin at Tg Rambutan, Ipoh..

Ni lauk kenduri.. Ok ok...Boleh di makan.. But forgot to snap pengantin punya pix! Bleh tak camtu? Haha... 

Mr Husband with his nephew.. He is going to be 5 this year... Baru masuk tadika... He looks big right? As if dah standard 2 or 3...But hell no... Baru 5 yrs old... Muhammad Adli Syahmi namanya and the birthdate is same as mine! Haha.. So the parents...its a warning...better watch out.. He is going to be stubborn se stubborn stubornnyerrr... :p

 With me.. Piece... :)
Later in the evening we had Laksa Kuala... Sodappp di makan sementara tengah panas..

And ikan bakar at night... Bakar sendiri ni... Ikan pari, kembung and kerisi...

Cicah2... Memang kawww even though the recipe was so simple!
The next day, we went back to Penang to meet ibu and my relatives at Penang..
While waiting for ibu to reach home (since dia keluar gi akad nikah my cousin), we had our time at Queensbay Mall Penang...

Our lepak time at Dome..

His beef lasagne!

My tandoori chicken salad.. Sedap ok the salad!

Hot chocolate and choc a block :)

Sempat grab a novel at borders! :) Read almost half of the books now...Another half taktau bila nak baca since esok dah kerja...This weekend perhaps..

Ni masa bawak budak2 kecik ni gi pantai pulau betong... just 10 mins from my kampung.. Pantai ni lah one of the pantai yang kena tsunami back then...

Ada gaya bapak mithali tak? :p ke lebih kepada nampak macam tengah berebut ngan dorg? haha..

Watching them by the beach :)
End of holiday....Tapi this week will go back to Penang again for my cousin's wedding pulak...Can't wait!! :D

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