Monday, February 27, 2012

Can't wait for our first trip in 2012!

Ouwwhhh tak sabar rasanya nak gi bercuti lagi! Sekarang tengah counting days aje! Hehe... This time nak menerbangkan diri ke Ho Chi Minh City.. Am soo excited to shop actually! Ahakss... All the checklist is almost done actually..
i) passport - checked!
ii) tukar duit - checked!
iii) foods - checked!
iv) charge camera - checked!
v) itenerary  - checked!
vi) put aside cloths (dah siap iron just to fold and put in the bag) - checked!
What else ya? Ouhhh just can't wait for the vacayyyy!! 2 more days!!

The last time we went for vacation was last October to Kapalai Island, Sabah. So its been like 4 months dah laa.. The vacation was really relaxing as it is a place to rest..The place pun cantik sangat2!! Tak tergambar oleh picture.. Have to really be there to see betapa hebatnya ciptaan Allah Taala.. Though tak banyak activity boleh buat kat sana since dia pulau seketul camtu je kan, cuma boleh snorkeling and kayaking. Kalau rajin pi laa diving..But we just love Kapalai as its brings lots of memories for our 2nd anniversary holiday! Ni some of my pix collection at Kapalai.. 3 days 2 night memang tak cukup.. One day memang nak pergi lagi :)

Hehe.. So its time for shopping at Ho Chi Minh City!! :))


just.HY said...

overst! hahahah have fun kak syai and abg shahrul!

syezy said...

ahaha haruslah overst! tak sabar nak shopping nehhh!!! hehe...