Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Federal Day

This was what I cooked last night for dinner. Fried spagethi. Lepas tu tak kenyang lagi tu.
Since 1st Feb is cuti Hari Wilayah, Mr Husband ajak kuwa gi minum (makan sekali lah actually haha).
He is not a type of man yang selalu keluar malam gi minum lepak ngan kawan.
Thank God I found him sebab I pun tak prefer that type of man.
Taktaulah macam mana kalau dapat husband macam tu, mesti hari2 gaduh. Huhuhu.
This is what we had pada jam 1 pagi. Haha..There goes my diet...

Maggi goreng Rafi Seksyen 13 Shah Alam (I had this). Sedap!

Mr Husband had roti nan.

With Tandoori. Sgt2 sedap nan & tandoori ni!!

Sirap limau and nescafe tarik. Kedai mamak ni sangat sedap makanan dia.
Next time we plan to go lepak lagi!! :D

Ohh ni pulak bukan from that kedai mamak. Hehe..
This is our dinner tonight. Sambal sotong with...

Black pepper meehoon. Mr Husband dah makan 3 pinggan tapi still tak cukup for him.
So now I am cooking porridge + oat.. Masak lebih for tomorrow morning sekali.
So breakfast tomorrow we'll eat bubur.
Pix takyah snap lah. Just a bubur! :D

Haha, teka siapa ni? Found this pix in my old box with my other old stuffs.
This pix was taken for my tadika book when I was 6. 
I still look the same right :))


just.HY said...

laki ang ni dinasour ke ape?? payah betol nak kenyang nih! hahaha

syezy said...

hahahaha...dia mmg makan banyakkkk laa! kdg2 pelik gak tak kenyang2 dia nih! haha..tengoklah height & weight...perut sekali ye... :p