Tuesday, February 14, 2012

His 34th Birthday

Agak lama jugak tak update my blog nih...been busy with my work...nak masak pun tak sempat...weekends also we were not at home...we went back to our hometown for 2 consecutive weeks dah...bcoz of wedding...penat sungguh....but last weekend was really worth it :)

Bcoz, it's Mr Husband Birthday!! Happy birthday sayang!! :)) Am happy that my plan goes smoothly..from buying present, buying party stuff to celebrating the party itself...dia tak terfikir pun i am gonna threw him a birthday party that nite..hehe..though its a small one, but we are happy celebrating it with our cute cousins :) anak2 my maksu & paksu...kat Penang pulak tu..hehe...so it was definately agoing to be a memorable one...we were at penang malam tu coz the next day tu was my cousin's wedding...Here are some pictures on the day... :)

 A card for him.
 His presents :) he looks happy ha? :)
Yang ni birthday breakfast. Hehe. Roti sardin bakar!
We had lunch at garden, one utama. Since we are going to head Penang at about 3pm, we celebrate his birthday during lunch hour je this year..Normally memang gi dinner...

Wearing his birthday present :)

Starter : oyster.. not so nyummy.. sedap lagi kat ayuthaya or just thai..

My spagethi marinara.

His beef steak.

 And the partyyyyyy pada malam harinya!! hehe...its just a small one....since we had it at penang, of cos bapak and ibu salmah takde...just us and ibu's side... tapi itu pun tak semua cousin ada....cos they are all busy preparing for the wedding tomorrow...my siblings pun takde coz diorang tak sampai lagi....last dah dah celebrate ngan my family at KL, his family from Kuala Kangsar and few uncle and unties pun ada sama last yr...this year Penang lah pulak...Overall, we had a great time with my favourite little cousins :))

The cake - sponsored by ibu :)

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to abg shahrul, happy birthday to you... :))

Suap.......then calit kat muka sikit...hahaha....
There you go...nampak tak pink colout kat muka tu? hehe...

To me, the celebration is just a small thing as compared to what he had given to me as a husband.. His caringness, his sincerity in this relationship, his love and everything....

There are small tiny2 things yang buat my heart always feel for him..For instance....

1) Everytime nak keluar rumah, (if we are driving two cars) he will make sure he close the gate instead of me. Tak kira lah lambat macam mana pun... He will just make sure..

2) If we reach home late at night, he will make sure I stayed in the car and he will open the gate and main door. When I ask him why, he said, kalau ada orang jahat ke, I'll be the one yang kena, not you.

3) He is willing to give me his smarttag so that I don't have to queue and let him be the one to use touch & go or cash. Touch & go pun nowadays dah kena queue kan.

4) He will make sure his weekly routine (vacuuming and mopping the house) will be done. Walaupun takde lah kotor sangat pun, cuma habuk sikit2 je, but he will make sure he do it. When I ask him to just skip this week since dia banyak keje nak disiapkan weekends, his reply will always be, takpe i buat..i taknak nanti you batuk...

5) He is willing to park at open parking and pay RM10 per day if we were driving 2 cars so that I don't have to jalan jauh from the parking to the building. Padahal the parking tag for basement belongs to him.

6) He always make sure my needs are fulfilled, if tak dapat today, esok lusa sure dapat. It's just a matter of time. Tapi takdelah nak mintak intan berlian puluh2 ribu kan hehe. As long as he can afford.

Yang lain2 tu...better be our secret je lah..:) kalau nak list kan memang panjang lagi....Semua ni walaupon nampak kecik, tapi if you were into that situation dan dalam keadaan itu, you will really2 appreciate it. Thats why macam mana lah I tak sayang dia kan...for all the things that he has done..eventhough he is not a romantic type of person, so long I can see his caringness in his action, it will just be enough for me.. You can't just compare every single person.

Kata orang, kalau nak memilih calon suami, kena pilih yang betul2 kita rasa we can live with and when I met him, I know that he is the guy who would stay with me...Eventhough kitorang bercinta for like one and a half year je, but so many things yang buat I think he suits me...Antaranya ialah...Jeng jeng jeng...

- He observed his solat. The most important criteria.
- Chemistry exists between us. Kalau takde ni memang bukan soul mate lah.
- Two way communication has never been failed, which I believe one of the most important values as we are getting older. 2 way communication!
- A responsible person in no matter what he is doing. Before his late mom passed away, dia dah diamanahkan untuk menjaga all his siblings. I believe his responsible criteria tu dah ada since kecik and thats why his mom chose him when he has another big bro.
- The other side of him makes me want him more :) I know that people might find him as a boring person. But at the moment you get to know him deeper, he is not that type. He has much more character to be explored :)
- He don't smoke and not a type of guy yang suka keluar lepak tengah malam tengok bola at mamak. I am very particular at this.
- Sedap mata memandang will always be one of my criteria :)
- I was certain he would be a fantastic husband and dad.
- I was certain that he will always be there to protect me and my future children.
- And I know that this is the man who would love and take care of me for the rest of my life. InsyaAllah.

All I prayed from this marriage is just that it could end till the end of my life and he won't look for other woman :p haha... Memang itu pun impian setiap isteri kot? hehe.. BTW, Happy birthday once again sayang!!


pisangkunen said...

kak syai, ain nih. hehe. ceh nih penghargaan untuk abg shahrul la nih kan. hhe. anyway, happy birthday abg shahrul!

f i d a j a c o b said...

hmmm sedihnya baca entry ni... sob sob sob...

best ye kawen ni.. huhu

happy beday abg sharul... semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, and all your wishes come true.. amin...

seriously, kak syai and abg sharul da mcm big bro and sis to me :D hehehehe...

have a blast... mine will be, soon 19 feb... mark your calendar ye.. hahaha

syezy said...

:) thanks to both of u :) fida, tak lupa lahh your bday...this yr sunday, bleh laa celebrate sakan...hehehe....